My darling, you are not in prison. The IB's are.

Judgement day has come and the group sits tight together with the big king thinking of a solution.

Together they identify the problem.

Panic outbreaks, and the population starts blaming the choosen one with the black laptop.

The king tries to calm the population through saying we shall not pick on minorities.

A new threat comes to attack.

The population is in panic again.

But the threat only wants to lick its victims.
Do you know what is really true?

Jag måste få skryta lite, nu vet inte jag om jag får skriva det här men lite stolt blev jag. Tjejen på bilden annat kallat
Nienke har börjat blogga för NVP (Nacka Värmdö Posten) vet inte hur man länkar i inlägg men det finns en länk vid sidobannern om ni vill läsa. Hon skriver även krönikor för en hollänsk tidning, cooling där :).
Har inte så många läsare själv skriver inte så mycket som ni säkert märkt men lite reklam kanske jag kan bidra med =), tycker den är läsvärd.
Man kan inte be om förlåtelse men man kan be om förståelse.

Ett verk om nazismen genom nazismens ögon, som inte försöker ursäkta sig.
Som Stellan Skarsgård sa i en interjuv, det är när vi förstår att det är vi som gör det här, det finns inget ont och gott.
Celebrating good times.

love living-

why does my heart melt for you, when I am not in love with you?

Yes in my heart-

A new day.

Smile for me Mr Jones.

sitting in knee, lips meet drinking, lips meet smiling, standing singing, l o v i n g.

What you find while strolling down the street.

We do not want anybody else.

Susan: Weren't we happy, Arthur? Arthur: Of course. Then we met.

I'm sorry Wendy, but I just don't trust anything thats bleeds for five days and doesnt die.

Point of view.

Leaves are falling, dollar is falling, the world is falling.

This is not a bike.

Two people.

We think we know evrything.

Fools are not born. Pretty girls make them in their spare time.

The darling in the white dress.


Die Weiße Ros

Lady in pink.

and we where drinking out the bottle without thinking about tomorrow.

I am a woman, yes I am and I cant help that I love you so.

With this we defend ourself for killing others.

and eye for an eye makes the hole world blind wasnt it?
As I leave this town, I remeber.

I will do it over and over again.

When we understand the simple parts.

When we understand that we can not divide people into balck and white
good or evil, that we can not take ourself the job to rule over fate itself.
It is only then
we can start to understand ourself and work out a solution.
When we understand what is already simple.
I am not joking about the fact that I am THE JOKER.

spending my days.

Breath in breath out please.

Show must go on.


Smile for me Mr Jones.